
the chocolate peanut butter gallery

a site dedicated to the world's two best ingredients

Not Having Air Conditioning Blows

June 15, 2008


Hello, chocolate peanut butter addicts!

You know, I really hate it when you get dedicated to reading a blog and they write one of those, “OMG I’ve been too busy to post” posts, so I’m apologizing in advance for being a little bit of a hypocrite. But I promise that like other blogs, I won’t disappear for weeks or forever. I am just experiencing some temporary technical difficulties.

The air conditioning in both my apartment and office are not operating at the moment, making it both difficult to bake and work. So until the problem gets figured out, I will try to write every day, but please keep checking back and understand if I miss one here or there.

While this gets resolved, I will have to figure out what to do with all of the chocolate that is melting away in my kitchen. Maybe a fondue party, only I won’t need to heat the chocolate. Heh… sad, but could be a reality.

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